Pringles steady progress
After our ‘park’ button failed a little last month, I have since been focusing on being able to mount in different areas with great success.
Initially, I started moving the mounting block to different areas of the arena, then for me to be able to climb onto different objects to be able to mount.
This may seem like something small but we got to the point where when out on the trails I was able to dismount to adjust my saddle then mount from a large rock on the side of the road. As I mentioned this may not seem like a big deal but for a horse that would get very anxious standing still to be mounted in new situations was a huge win.
I have also been trying to get Pringles out to different environments as she is now so much more confident in the float by herself doing regular, short trips.
We had our first visit to the beautiful Coal Valley Equestrian Centre and to the beach.

Pringles gets very anxious in new environments, however with a calm and patient approach she soon grows in confidence and improves every time she goes out.
The better our training at home, the more confidence Pringles has in me and the more ‘buttons’ I have in new environments.
Under saddle, we have continued to work on straightness and balance.
Pringles’ canter is stronger, and we have progressed to walk, trot and canter poles.
We are also venturing further with our trail rides and are able to hack out by ourselves.
As mentioned in our last post, I am very big on cross-training not only for horses’ brains but also for their bodies.
We are continuing with Pringles PEMF sessions, chiropractic work and Emmett therapy when needed.
Pringles continues to put on muscle and weight with her current feed regime, however, I found out this month that our Seedhouse feed is no longer going to be manufactured, so I will be doing some research to find out a good alternative and will transition Pringles onto the new feed slowly.
Next month I will continue to expose Pringles to as many different environments as possible as well as improve our flat work, continuing to work on our connection and balance.
We now have a jump saddle that fits her, so I am hoping to incorporate some small jumps into her training regime.